Club News

In common with most rugby clubs and for that matter most sports clubs in general, one of the side-effects of the covid outbreak was a considerable reduction in the number of players involved in sports. As club, we are doing our best to increase our player numbers to earlier levels. 

Have you retired prematurely from playing rugby or are you just wanting to give it a go for the first time? If so, here is your opportunity. We are re-starting our 3rd XV and as a result are looking for players no matter the degree of previous experience (even …

Through filming in Grassington for the past 4 years the film crew have been using our Clubhouse as a base and as three of our Car Parkers are on the Parish Council they became very close to the producer, Deborah Morgan.

As luck would have it, our Car Park trio of Bob Kendall, Mick Egan and Rob Charlton, explained a difficulty they were having with communication up and down the Avenue on Saturday home matches.

Debora’s husband, Andrew, is Managing Director for AudioLink, the largest supplier of Walkie Talkies in the United Kingdom, who, on approach, offered a system to …

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