Position | Name & Contact Details |
President | John Spencer T: 01756 753015 M: 07885 932129 |
Chairman | John Sykes M: 07889 815899 wharfedalehands@gmail.com |
Vice Chairman | David Baker M: 07810 308958 djbaker175@gmail.com |
Secretary | Philip Eddleston The Estate Barn, Coniston Cold, Skipton, North Yorkshire. BD23 4ED hon.sec@wharfedalerufc.co.uk M: 07776 202531 |
Treasurer | Alex Howarth 10 Hazel Grove Road, Sutton in Craven, Keighley BD20 7QT wharfedaletreasurer@gmail.com T: 01535 633619 |
Director of Rugby | Simon Verbickas simonverbickas@gmail.com M: 07850 171320 |
Fixture Secretary | Robert Burnett Fixture-Secretary@wharfedalerufc.co.uk M: 07971 839241 |
Chairman of Minis and Juniors | Andy Goulty goults1789@outlook.com 07947 322433 |
Youth Rugby Development Officer | Hedley Verity hedleyverity7@aol.com T: 01756 752232 M: 07811 456430 |
Referee Liaison Officer | Matt Shuttleworth mpshuttleworth84@live.com 07922 687322 |
Health & Safety Officer | John Sykes wharfedalehands@gmail.com M: 07889 815899 |
Press Officer | Edwin Williams press@wharfedalerufc.co.uk williams@daelnet.co.uk T: 01756 720335 M: 07793 408910 |
Match Programme: Editor | Simon Ravens programme@wharfedalerufc.co.uk T: 01943 607170 |
Match Programme: Advertising | John Utley JohnRutley@mail.com M: 07932 689435 |
Engagement Officer | Tim Lockett tim.lockett@healthcare.co.uk M: 07980 618238 |
Representative NLR | David Baker djbaker175@gmail.com M: 07810 308958 |
Safeguarding Officer | Annette Campbell nitacampbell2@aol.com M: 07729 554546 |
Membership Secretary | Alex Howarth 10 Hazel Grove Road, Sutton in Craven, Keighley BD20 7QT wharfedaletreasurer@gmail.com T: 01535 633619 |
Sponsorship Secretary | John Utley wharfedalecommercial@gmail.com M: 07932 689435 |
Game Management System Data Officer | Adrian Parry wharfedalegms@gmail.com M: 07721 061034 |
Website editor | Adrian Parry wharfedalegms@gmail.com M: 07721 061034 |
Social Media | John Sykes wharfedalehands@gmail.com M: 07889 815899 |
International Ticket Contact | David Baker M: 07810 308958 djbaker175@gmail.com |
Clubhouse Bookings & Club Shop | Gina Hodgson wharfedalebookings@gmail.com or for the Shop hodgsonrugby@aol.com M: 07966 132714 |