Saturday 15 February - Wharfedale v Billingham (A) KO 2.15pm ---- Foresters v Billingham 2nd XV (A) KO 2.15pm -----

Minis/Juniors – Registration and Membership 2024-25

a) Player registration – All mini and junior players are required to be registered within the RFU’s Game Management System (GMS). The parent/guardian of each player should log into their personal GMS account, follow the link across the their child’s account and register him/her to play at Wharfedale RUFC. Please contact me at if you have any problem with the forgoing.

b) Membership – Please do NOT attempt to to purchase membership for either yourself or your child via GMS. Would you please complete the membership application form located at

Can you please either: –

i) scan the completed form, e-mail it to and make your payment by bank transfer (details are shown on the membership application form. NB please quote the name of your child and his/her age group as the reference).

ii) return the completed form along with your payment to either me, Hedley Verity or your child’s team manager as soon as possible.

NB registration/membership sessions will be held in the clubhouse as usual from10.00-12.00hrs on the first three Sundays in September.

Adrian Parry, Age Grade Registrar, Wharfedale RUFC

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