On what could only be described as possibly the steepest and smallest of pitches in Yorkshire and the confirmation that there were to be uncontested scrummages, Sandal welcomed the Foresters.
Facing the incline it took a few moments for each side to settle into the afternoon’s combat with Wharfedale taking the first points when Steve Graham crossed the line from a driven line-out. Wharfedale’s pressure continued and soon saw George Altham scoring out wide for the first of his two first half tries. Moments of indiscipline saw Sandal keep the Dalesmen in their own half and they kicked two penalties. Louis Verity then scored and converted his own try, meaning that the Greens had a convincing half-time lead.
The second half wasn’t the runaway game that might have been expected, but more of a hard-fought slog which only helped to battle harden the players. The only try of the half came from hard-running centre Jonny Moore with Marcus Farnworth converting.
It was good to see the return of both Louis Verity and Henry McNab after long-term injuries.
Squad and changes
- Jack Hirst
- Steve Graham T
- George Altham T T
- Harry Matthews
- Jack Burton
- Rhys Greene
- Oli Bullock (replaced McNab)
- Max Mountain
- Henry McNab
- Louis Verity. T C
- Joe Gill
- Andy Rhodes
- Jonny Moore. T
- Marcus Farnworth C
- Ben Speight
- Tom Whitehead (on for Altham)
- Michael Beer (on for Verity)
- Harrrison Clamp (on for Gill)
- Zeb Hayes (on for Matthews)